techcongress timetable:

Friday 07.01.22

We would like to present our programme of events for the inaugural TechCongress: LasAlpujarras


General Information

This event is 💯% supported by voluntary contributions.
• meet & greet
• talks & presentations
• practical onboarding workshops
• spinout discussion groups
a mindmap board will be available throughout the day, so if anyone has questions, ideas, opinions, further information etc.
√ pens, paper & post notes are also provided!
• phone/laptop charging
• WiFi access
• livestream & recording facility
√ food, snacks and refreshments
All donations are most welcome and received with thanks


The congress day will be organized in 3 different categories:


  • Principles

- how do we cooperate and share?
- how do we communicate more effectively?
- how we are open to the participation of others?

- how resilient and co-sufficient can we actually be?

  • Software

- "free as in puppy"

- "by cooperation not corporation"

- LETS go #PropSoftFree.


  • Hardware



Every talk, presentation and workshop during the techcongress will be related to one or more of the above categories.
In the following we would like to present you the events which will take place including a brief explanation and reference for further research.




The whole congress, inclusive the events, channels of communication and projects are following the principle "work in progress".

A one day congress will never be able to draw the whole image of the movment we would like to start with you.

12:00hrs. 'the opening'


The open source way

This is a document which reached us recently in one of our channels.

We thought it is a good start to re-orientate around the general ideas of open source.


Click on the picture to reach the website of the document.

presentation: OpenEcoLab

community supported technology


link on the right



presentation: LibreComms.

The GNU Project was launched in 1983 by Richard Stallman to develop,

a Free/Libre operating system: the GNU operating system.

As a result, today it is possible for anyone to use a computer in freedom.

  • welcome to the wibbly wobbly world


onboardng 101

Practical Introduction


We would like to offer some moments for practical application:

Get your email account, begin to degooglify your life and learn more about other useful platforms and services

Git, a way of collaborative working

Git is a software was is very useful for the work of collective on a common project.

In the development of community tools, like in the choice of the right messenger, no clear decision has been made.

Only git is such a flexible tool that we would like to present it to you and show how we use it.


If you know it, are interested and what to use it with us.

Have a look on the links on your right.

Recycling, Repairing, Reusing

As we are a big alternative community here in the Alpujarras, we need alternatives places and tools for our material stuffs. It's the reason why we want to build a recycling and workshops network around Orgiva and the Alpujarras. For the moment, a place in Orgiva is already ready to receive all your old electronic devices, bateries, cables... Soon we will have a webpage with more informations about this project, linked to the repair cafe project.

ChaosComupterClub and its Congress

The chaos computer club is a real institution in the hacker scene - they are organising their own congress and it is and was always an inspiration for this event.


we would like to find some time to talk about them, what they do and what we can learn from them, as an exemplar for more collaborative projects and future initiatives.









Plant DataBase Farm OS
We find in our area a lot of people involved in the systematic growing of plant, trees and production of seeds.
People spoke about a collective Database of existing trees in the area.
We would like to present you the Farm operating system and talk with you about the possibility of using it in our service.
Technology as tool for selforganization



throughout the #techcongress we will be providing open chatrooms  to get in touch with people


We will also like to provide some content on our on-line radio feed, which you reach on following link


It's never to late to get involved. Join our already existing community network and learn more about the digital tools we are using.


This event is un-commercial and supported only by volunteers. Food is available, donations welcome.